The Devil-Satan -Iblis
Satan (devil) is called İblis in islam. He was the master and chief of angels. Islamic scholars declare:
All angels fell prostrate towards Âdam 'alaihis-salâm with the command of Allahu ta'âlâ. Iblis, master of angels, did not obey the command and did not fall prostrate. According to a narration transmitted by Hadrat Imâm-i Salabî on the authority of Hadrat Ibni Abbas, Iblis was with angels. He was from the tribe of genies, who was created from fire. As for angels, they were created from nûr (light). The former name of Iblîs was Azâzil. He was one of the guards of Paradise. He was the chief of the angels who were in the sky which was the nearest to the Earth. He was the sultan [ruler] of the earthly sky and the earth itself. He was higher than angels in the grade of knowledge. He was administering the affairs of the part between the sky and the earth. For this reason, he became conceited. This state of his drifted him to disobedience to Allah. Allahu ta'âlâ, in turn, expelled him from His mercy. (Jâmiul Ahkâm) Hadrat Ibni Abbâs declared:
(Iblîs was one of the guards of Paradise. He was administering the affairs of earthly sky.) [Bayhaqî]
Sâid bin Musayyib declared:
(Iblîs was the chief and master of the angels.) [Ibni Jarîr, Imâm-i Suyûtî]
Allahu ta'âlâ ordered the community of angels, which also included Iblîs. If Iblîs had not been in that community, the order issued would not have applied to him. Since the Qur'anic verses say, "But Iblîs did not fall prostrate," he was one of those who were ordered to make prostration. The purport of a verse is as follows:
(We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Âdam." They all fell prostrate save Iblîs. He was one of the genies. He disobeyed the command of His Rabb. Are you now taking Iblîs and his cohorts as friends instead of Me? In fact, they are your enemies. How evil is the exchange [to give Paradise and to attain Hell instead by taking the followers of Shaitan as friends] on the part of the Zâlimûn.) [Sûrat-ul-Kahf, 50]
The purport of two ahâdîth reporting that Shaitân was commanded to prostrate himself is as follows:
(When son of Âdam reads the âyah [Qur'anic verse] of sajdah [prostration] and makes sajdah, Shaitan goes away from there crying. Then he says: "Shame on me. Son of Âdam was commanded to make sajdah, and he attained Paradise as he made sajdah. I, too, was commanded to make sajdah, but I became deserving of Hell as I disobeyed it.") [Muslim]
(Beware of conceit. Conceit incited Shaitan not to make sajdah.) [I. 'Asâkir]
Prostration was ordered not for Âdam 'alaihis-salâm, but for Allah. That is, it was ordered that prostration be made for Allah in the direction of Hadrat Âdam. We, too, are making prostration for Allah in the direction of the Kaaba. We do not fall prostrate for the Kaaba itself. The angels and Iblîs were commanded that they fall prostrate for Allah in the direction of Âdam 'alaihis-salâm. Shaitan, however, refused to make prostration by saying that this command was wrong. In other words, what caused his being cursed was not his not falling prostrate but his saying that the command of Allah was wrong.
Those who do not perform namâz, who do not fast cannot be called disbelievers (kâfir), though they are in acts of disobedience to Allah. But if they deem namâz or fast unnecessary, they become disbelievers.
Likewise, Shaitan deemed Allah's command inappropriate and said, "I was created from fire, but he was created from soil. It is wrong for a being created from fire to accept a being created from soil as the direction for prostration." Thus, he declined to prostrate himself and became one of those who are cursed eternally.
From Tafsir ibn kathir
The Story of Adam and Iblis
Allah mentions this story in Surat Al-Baqarah, at the beginning of Surat Al-A`raf, in Surat Al-Hijr, Al-Isra', Al-Kahf and here. Before creating Adam, peace be upon him, Allah told the angels that He was going to create a human being from sounding clay of altered smooth black mud. He told them that when He finished creating and forming him, they were to prostrate to him as a sign of honor and respect, and out of obedience to the command of Allah, may He be exalted. All of the angels obeyed this command except for Iblis, who was not one of them. He was one of the Jinn, and his nature betrayed him at his time of greatest need. He refused to prostrate to Adam, and he disputed with his Lord about him, claiming that he was better than Adam, because he was created from fire while Adam was created from clay, and fire was better than clay, or so he said. He made a mistake by doing this, and he went against the command of Allah, thus committing the sin of disbelief. So Allah exiled him, humiliated him, and cast him out of His mercy and His sacred Presence, and called him "Iblis'' symbolizing that he had Ablasa min Ar-Rahmah (despaired of mercy) -- that there was no hope for him of mercy. He cast him down from the heavens, disgraced and rejected, to the earth. Iblis asked Allah to give him a reprieve until the Day of Resurrection, so the Forbearing One, Who does not hasten to punish those who disobey Him, gave him a reprieve. When he knew that he was safe from destruction until the Day of Resurrection, he rebelled and transgressed.
[فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لأغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَإِلاَّ عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ ]
([Iblis] said: "By Your might, then I will surely mislead them all, except Your true servants amongst them.'') This is like the Ayat:
[أَرَءَيْتَكَ هَـذَا الَّذِى كَرَّمْتَ عَلَىَّ لَئِنْ أَخَّرْتَنِ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَـمَةِ لأَحْتَنِكَنَّ ذُرِّيَّتَهُ إَلاَّ قَلِيلاً]
([Iblis] said: "See this one whom You have honored above me, if You give me respite until the Day of Resurrection, I will surely seize and mislead his offspring all but a few!'') (17:62). These few are the ones who are excepted in another Ayah, which is:
[إِنَّ عِبَادِى لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَـنٌ وَكَفَى بِرَبِّكَ وَكِيلاً ]
(Verily, My servants -- you have no authority over them. And All-Sufficient is your Lord as a Guardian.) (17:65)
[قَالَ فَالْحَقُّ وَالْحَقَّ أَقُولُ ]
[لاّمْلاّنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنكَ وَمِمَّن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ]
((Allah) said: "The truth is -- and the truth I say that I will fill Hell with you and those of them (mankind) that follow you, together.'') Some of them, including Mujahid, read this as meaning, "I am the Truth and the truth I say.'' According to another report narrated from Mujahid, it means, "The truth is from Me and I speak the truth.'' Others, such as As-Suddi, interpreted it as being an oath sworn by Allah. This Ayah is like the Ayat:
[وَلَـكِنْ حَقَّ الْقَوْلُ مِنْى لاّمْلأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ]
(but the Word from Me took effect, that I will fill Hell with Jinn and mankind together.) (32:13), and
[قَالَ اذْهَبْ فَمَن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ فَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ جَزَآؤُكُمْ جَزَاءً مَّوفُورًا ]
((Allah) said: "Go, and whosoever of them follows you, surely, Hell will be the recompense of you (all) - an ample recompense.) (17:63).
[قُلْ مَآ أَسْـَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ وَمَآ أَنَآ مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ - إِنْ هُوَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَـلَمِينَ - وَلَتَعْلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ بَعْدَ حِينِ ]
(86. Say: "No wage do I ask of you for this, nor am I one of the Mutakallifin.'') (87. "It is only a Reminder for all the creatures.'') (88. "And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while.'') Allah says: `Say, O Muhammad, to these idolators: I do not ask you to give me any reward from the goods of this world in return for the Message which I convey to you and the sincere advice I offer.'
[وَمَآ أَنَآ مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ]
(nor am I one of the Mutakallifin.) means, `and I do not add anything to that which Allah has told me. Whatever I am commanded to do, I do it, and I do not add anything or take anything away. By doing this I am seeking the Face of Allah and the Hereafter.' Sufyan Ath-Thawri, narrated from Al-A`mash and Mansur from Abu Ad-Duha that Masruq said, "We went to `Abdullah bin Mas`ud, may Allah be pleased with him. He said, `O people! Whoever knows a thing should say it, and whoever does not know should say, `Allah knows best.''' It is part of knowledge, when one does not know, to say "Allah knows best.'' For Allah said to your Prophet :
[قُلْ مَآ أَسْـَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ وَمَآ أَنَآ مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ ]
(Say: "No wage do I ask of you for this, nor am I one of the Mutakallifin.'') This was reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
[إِنْ هُوَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَـلَمِينَ ]
(It is only a Reminder for all the creatures.) means, the Qur'an is a reminder for all those who are held accountable, men and Jinn. This was the view of Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him. This Ayah is like the Ayat:
[لاٌّنذِرَكُمْ بِهِ وَمَن بَلَغَ]
(that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach) (6:19), and
[وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِهِ مِنَ الاٌّحْزَابِ فَالنَّارُ مَوْعِدُهُ]
(but those of the sects that reject it, the Fire will be their promised meeting place) (11:17).
[وَلَتَعْلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ]
(And you shall certainly know the truth of it) means, `you will see confirmation that what he says is true.'
[بَعْدَ حِينِ]
(after a while.) means, soon. Qatadah said, "After death. `Ikrimah said, "It means, on the Day of Resurrection.'' There is no contradiction between the two views, because whoever dies comes under the rulings of the Day of Resurrection. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surah Sad. All praise and gratitude is due to Allah, and Allah may He be glorified and exalted, knows best
The spirit Iblis is a Jinn, which are “mischievous” spirits of earth who reside in a universe parallel to the human world while maintaining the ability to interact in both realms . The Jinn are mortal and powerful spirits whose purpose is to tempt and possess (majnun) humans by creating illusions (ghurur) that familiarize mankind with “the eternal fire” of hell . The Jinn in their natural state are too horrific for mankind to see, they are highly intelligent, they can assume almost any form, and they can do almost anything . There are many different kinds of Jinn: there are those which take on the appearance of the snake; those which fly – the winged Jinn; Jinn that are giants; insect-like Jinn; Jinn that inhabit dead bodies (zombies); and, Jinn that take on human form and, in-so-doing, have the capability of converting to Islam . The Jinn live far longer than humans and the only way they can be detected is through their evil actions – deeds too atrocious for un-possessed humans to enact.
The Jinn are ruled by the one true God who created them more than 25,000 years ago . The Jinn were created from the “searing desert wind” – called Simoon – and are subject to the same universal laws of Islam that mankind must adhere to; the Jinn are also sent prophets bearing God’s message . However, 25,000 years ago the Jinn began to disobey God because they believed themselves to be self-righteous. For that reason, God sent his Angels to destroy them .
It was during this battle that Iblis was recognized from amongst the Jinn by God as “a worthy pupil.” Iblis was brought to heaven by God where he was instructed by the Angels, and, in turn, as he matured Iblis began preaching to the Angels. But, when God created Adam, Iblis refused to pay homage; and, therefore, God condemned Iblis to hell; however, God also granted Iblis “a stay of execution” until the final day of judgement.
At this time the Jinn regrouped on an island in the “Southern Ocean” and formed their own ‘nation’. Iblis left Heaven and rejoined them as their “king;” he had a second name: Azazil. Iblis's final day of reckoning will come, but until that day comes he reigns as king of the Satans ("shaytans”) who tempt mankind on earth [13].Although he is evil, Iblis is not the Lord of Evil; and, although fallen from Heaven, he is not a fallen Angel. Rather, Iblis is a "Satan" . <<<<< watch this
The above is the root meaning of the word Jinn. The existence of the Jinn is firmly established by the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah and the consensus of the Scholars (Ijma’) It suffices to say that the word Jinn and its derivatives occur more than 29 times in the Qur’an. A related word "shaytan" and its plural "shaytana" together occur more than 80 times. In fact, there is an entire Surah called Surah Al-Jinn, which speaks in clear explicit terms about the Jinn.
The reality, which we have to affirm, is that the Jinn live in an established world unseen to us. They eat and drink, and procreate. Similar to Humans, some are righteous while others are not.
The Jinn were created before the creation of mankind. Their origin is from fire. The Qur’an verified these facts in Surah Al-Hijr:
1 Amir: (Resident Jinn) used to mean that he is one of those who lives with people.2 Shaytan: Used for a Jinni who is malicious and has become wicked.
3 Ifrit: Used for a Jinni who is stronger and more powerful than a Shaytan.
1. Before having sexual intercourse, we should say:"Bismillah, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytina wa jannibish-shaytina ma razaqtana."
In the name of Allah. O Allah! Spare us from Satan and repel Satan from what you provide us with.
Then, if a child is conceived, Satan will never harm
2. The shaytan like to frequent filthy areas such as toilets. Thus we should ensure that we recite the sunnah supplication (narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim) before
entering the toilet:
"Allahumma inni a’uthu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba’ith."
O Allah! I seek refuge with you from male and female devils.
3. Reciting Ayat al Kursi (the verse of the throne in Surat Al Baqarah, 2:255) at bedtime ensures that no devil comes close to you until the morning.
Related by Bukhari
4. Saying:
"La ilaha illallahu wah-dahu la sharika lahu; lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa-hawa’ala kulli shay’in qadir."
There is no God but Allah, alone, without any partner, His kingdom, and His
is the praise, and He has power over all things.
100 times in the morning provides protection till the
Bukhari & Muslim
This article came about as a result of a discussion concerning the nature of the JINN, and their apparent activity in the UFO and psychic fields.
The assumption that underlines the following viewpoint is that the Jinns are beings which dwell on a parallel level to man, but due to their existing at a different vibratory rate, they are not normally visible to us or detectable by us.
In spite of this invisibility, when UFO events or psychic events occur, there are often changes in an energy that we can measure - and this is the electro-magnetic spectrum.
This article, then, is an attempt to bring together (1): observed effects associated with UFOs and with psychic events; (2) traditional "occult" wisdom; and (3) contemporary scientific knowledge.
Our starting point is with the traditions of Islam, and, in particular, the Qur'an, which contains some quantity of information of a metaphysical nature, a proportion of which deals with the Jinn. This material is summarized in Gordon Creighton's article, "A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO Entities", published originally in FSR 29/1 (October 1983) and reprinted in FSR 33/3 (September 1988).
The Jinn and the Infra-red
In that article, the Jinn are described as having "bodies of essential flame",1 or "smokeless flame",2 or "smokeless fire".
In the same article by the Editor, ANGELS are described ( according to the Qur'an) as having bodies of light.3 Since they are generally invisible to us, and also for reasons which I will put forward later, I would suggest that the Angels' bodies are of an invisible energy from the opposite end of the spectrum, i.e. - the ultra-violet.
Before I get too involved with technical discussions, I would just like to point out that there is another well known Islamic book that also deals extensively with our unseen neighbours. In fact one might call it a manual of mankind's interaction with the Jinn! And this is "THE ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS",4 or "ARABIAN NIGHTS".
Why did UFOs Appear En Masse in 1947?
One of the questions that often crop up in the UFO field is: "Why did UFOs start to appear in great numbers, around and after 1947?"
Although plenty of UFOs were undoubtedly seen long before the year 1947, it does seem that something may have provoked their increased activity, and increased appearances, at that time.
Well now - an interesting answer to our question has been provided by the New Zealander Trevor James Constable in his second book, "The Cosmic Pulse of Life", in which he states that UFOs began to appear in numbers around the time when man started to use Radar. Or - to put it another way - the UFOs began to appear around the time when man started to fill the Earth's atmosphere with microwave radiation.5
Since the use of Radar became commonplace throughout the world shortly after World War II, the dates certainly coincide, and, if we look at the nature of Radar - bearing in mind that the Jinn may possess bodies of infra-red - then we can certainly see a good reason for their becoming concerned!
Microwave radiation is just below infra-red in the electro-magnetic spectrum (i.e. - just above Radio waves) - therefore our projection of microwaves into the Earth's atmosphere may well disrupt, or disturb, the bodies of the Jinn and the medium in which they live and dwell.
How the Jinn Materialize
In the Islamic texts it is stated that the Jinn are able to materialize or disappear at will. This would imply one of three things:- (!) They have control over the matter that we consider to be "everyday reality"; (2) They have control over certain aspects of our own psyche, and can create in us the subjective experience of matter; (3) They can create illusions of an external and very realistic nature in the same way that we create holograms. It is possible that this last suggestion includes the first.
The reason for this is as follows:-
A Blueprint for all Matter?
Various researchers on the cutting edge of nuclear physics (i.e. Paul Davies) and also in the border-line medical field (i.e. Harry Oldfield)6 have speculated that there exists a kind of blueprint for physical beings and physical materials - this may be an electro-magnetic lattice or hologram which tells each atom r molecule what to do and where to go.
The reason for this kind of speculation is that our present knowledge of natural control systems is unable to explain the degree of specialization that many atoms/molecules/cells exhibit.
The Mysterious "Crashed Discs"
Suppose, then, that the Jinn were able to construct and to destroy electronic blueprints, and suppose, further, that, once set up, a blueprint will attract to it, from our environment, the necessary minerals, gases, etc., in order to make up the corresponding physical form. When the blueprint is removed or destroyed, the physical form will disintegrate or "return to dust".
This may provide an explanation for the physical reality of the crashed discs, whilst still allowing that they are actually of etheric origin.
Jinn may function on Two Levels?
In ascribing intelligent behaviour to the Jinn, it must be accepted that they have at least two levels of functioning - i.e. (1) the body of electromagnetic energy, and (2) a psyche of some finer energy. This might be called "etheric", or possibly "astral", in the Western Occult Tradition.) The reason why I am unsure about this terminology is that it may well be the case that the term "etheric", as used, is a traditional, empirical description of the electromagnetic environment which surrounds us. Therefore the psychology of the Jinn would have to be on what we call the "Astral Level".
Here I think it necessary to clear up a misunderstanding which often occurs with regard to the term "Ether" or "Etheric".
The Etheric Level
In the Western Occult Tradition, the "Etheric" is described as the innermost of a series of "bands" around the Earth, penetrating deep into the Planet, and reaching to a certain height in the Atmosphere. Higher above that in the Atmosphere is the "Astral";7above that is the "Mental"8 - and so on, depending on which terminology you prefer to use.
At some point one of the unseen levels must be so expansive that it is - in fact - interplanetary. (This would perhaps be the "Spiritual" or "Casual" Level.)
Another use of the word "Ether", which conflicts with the occult method of usage, is to employ it in order to describe the interplanetary medium.9 This application of it was used, up until the late 19th century, by astronomers and philosophers, but, as I have explained above, the "interplanetary medium" would in occult terminology probably be called the "Casual" or "Spiritual" Level.
Trevor Constable's "They Live in the Sky"
Therefore problems can occur, as, for example, in Trevor J. Constable's10 first book, "They Live in the Sky",11 where the (apparently beneficent) contacting entities describe themselves as being "from the interplanetary Etheric". Later in the same book, they are responsible for protecting Mr Constable from attack by a lower order of unseen entities which I would call "Etheric", using the occult terminology to refer to the unseen "band" closest to the Earth.
Be it noted, therefore, that any reference in the present article holds to the usage of the term as employed in the Western Occult Tradition.
Having thus set out the basis of this idea concerning the nature of the Jinn, I would now like to bring in some corroborating examples from the field of Psychical Research.
Changes of Temperature and Psychic Phenomena
In the typical "Ghost experience", a change in temperature is often felt around, or preceding, the appearance of the apparition.
Since, to my knowledge, our experience of heat is directly related to the amount of Infra-red present, then if an apparition were created by concentrating or converting localised electro-magnetic energy, one would expect there to be a drop in Infra-red (and probably other frequencies) around the phantom, - hence a drop in temperature?
Matthew Manning
Matthew Manning12 the British psychic, describes in his book "The Link"13 how, when he was sleeping in his boarding school dormitory, "poltergeist" activities would occur. On one such occasion a large red circle appeared on the wall, and it became very hot. This - it turned out - was a way of attracting his attention, used by the earth-bound spirit of a girl who had died some fifty years before in tragic circumstances.
The obvious inference is that the red circle that became hot (so hot in fact, that the people were afraid of a fire starting) was a concentration of Infra-red.
"Psychic Photographs"
There have been in the past many psychic and paranormal photographs. Many admittedly were probably fakes. However, a proportion remain which have been authenticated. In his book "Beyond the Spectrum",14 Cyril Permutt surveys many of these photos and he describes the techniques required for securing paranormal psychic photography of this kind. He found that the best results could be secured with Infra-red, and this again would seem to bear out a theory which I will put forward in the following paragraphs.
The Earth's atmosphere
Pursuing the idea of there being various different Planes in the unseen world, which surround the Earth, and pursuing also the thought that they might be connected with electromagnetic energy., I began an investigation of the Earth's Atmosphere and it's practical structure.
Putting it in a simplified form, it seems that High Energy Radiation (Cosmic Rays, etc.), from the Sun, penetrate right through the Earth's atmosphere and are absorbed by the Earth, to be re-emitted as Infra-red, Radiation, producing most of the warmth that we experience. The Infra-red is kept in the lower part of the Atmosphere by clouds and by the Ionosphere (Ozone Layer) from which it is reflected.
"Infra-red" denizens could dwell inside Earth!
Lower-frequency Infra-red penetrates deep into the Earth. Consequently, if a being had a body of low-frequency Infra-red, it could live deep down inside the Earth, interpenetrating what we consider to be solid materiality.
The Ionosphere has - as is presently well publicised - another function: this is the reflection of Ultra-Violet coming from the Sun and hence reducing the amount of it that reaches us. Therefore it can be said that above the Ozone Layer there is a comparatively high level of Ultra-Violet and a low level of Infra-red, whilst below the Ozone Layer there is a much higher amount of Infra-red, but comparatively little Ultra-Violet.
The Angels dwell in Ultra-Violet
If we take the Islamic description of ANGELS15 as having bodies of Light, and if we ascribe this to the lighter or finer end of the spectrum (i.e. the Ultra-Violet), then we have an explanation for the age-old tradition that Angels live "in the clouds", i.e., above the Ozone Layer, where Ultra-Violet prevails.
Lower-level creature inhabit Infra-red
This is why, I suspect, Cyril Permutt, author of "Beyond the Spectrum", had greater success with his Infra-red photography, since we humans dwell in the Etheric, where Infra-red predominates. It must be comparatively rarely that the "FORCES OF LIGHT" come down and help us on our way. Conversely, of course, most "ghost experiences" occur in darkness or in dark places, from where the "Forces of Light" (Ultra-Violet) have receded.
From the "occult" point of view, as given in the Western as well as the Eastern Traditions, it may very well be that the upper limit of the so-called "Etheric Plane" is the Ozone Layer (Ionosphere), and that above and beyond this lies the "Astral".
The tradition that unseen beings originate from different areas within the Etheric (i.e. Dense Etheric) may be explained by variations in frequency of Infra-red: i.e. Dense Etheric around 1012 Hz., and Finer Etheric nearer 1014 Hz., which would seem to imply that there should be a corresponding frequency gradient through the lower part of the Atmosphere, the frequency rising with the height above the Earth's surface. (Whether this is a fact or not remains to be seen.)
At this point I would like to make it clear that, whilst it is possible that electro-magnetic energy is the medium of the Etheric, it is equally possible that electromagnetism interacts with a finer energy which is the true Etheric medium, but that it interacts in such a way as to be like a stain or indicator, showing the form of the unseen Etheric/Psychic energy.
Baron von Reichenbach
The German scientist Baron von Reichenbach16 wrote, in the last century, about what he called "the Odic Force", visible to sensitives, and emanating from each end of a natural crystal, one end being OD POSITIVE (red and warm), and the other end producing OD NEGATIVE (light blue and cool). Could these be the Infra-red and Ultra-Violet respectively?
Trevor J. Constable17 suggests that if one looks through a red filter at ordinary daylight for some time and then looks at a living thing without the filter, the aura of that thing becomes visible for a short while. This information probably originates with the British Dr W.J. Kilner,18 who worked during the early part of this century on the human aura, employing magenta filters. Now, if the eye accommodates in the same way as our other senses do, then, after looking for some time through the red filter, it may begin to recalibrate the visual range, taking red as it were the usual light blue (of the sky in daylight). Hence, when the filter is removed, the usual range may, for a short while, extend down into the Infra-red.
Clairvoyant faculties
This latter idea brings up an interesting explanation for psychics like the Anthropologist Dr Rudolf Steiner,19 who are able to see into the Spiritual Realm. Suppose that for reasons of exceptional physiology (or possibly only of mental programming) they are able to perceive a greater range of frequencies than is normal, and can therefore see into the Infra-red and the Ultra-Violet realms?
Man's pollution of both the material level
All angels fell prostrate towards Âdam 'alaihis-salâm with the command of Allahu ta'âlâ. Iblis, master of angels, did not obey the command and did not fall prostrate. According to a narration transmitted by Hadrat Imâm-i Salabî on the authority of Hadrat Ibni Abbas, Iblis was with angels. He was from the tribe of genies, who was created from fire. As for angels, they were created from nûr (light). The former name of Iblîs was Azâzil. He was one of the guards of Paradise. He was the chief of the angels who were in the sky which was the nearest to the Earth. He was the sultan [ruler] of the earthly sky and the earth itself. He was higher than angels in the grade of knowledge. He was administering the affairs of the part between the sky and the earth. For this reason, he became conceited. This state of his drifted him to disobedience to Allah. Allahu ta'âlâ, in turn, expelled him from His mercy. (Jâmiul Ahkâm) Hadrat Ibni Abbâs declared:
(Iblîs was one of the guards of Paradise. He was administering the affairs of earthly sky.) [Bayhaqî]
Sâid bin Musayyib declared:
(Iblîs was the chief and master of the angels.) [Ibni Jarîr, Imâm-i Suyûtî]
Allahu ta'âlâ ordered the community of angels, which also included Iblîs. If Iblîs had not been in that community, the order issued would not have applied to him. Since the Qur'anic verses say, "But Iblîs did not fall prostrate," he was one of those who were ordered to make prostration. The purport of a verse is as follows:
(We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Âdam." They all fell prostrate save Iblîs. He was one of the genies. He disobeyed the command of His Rabb. Are you now taking Iblîs and his cohorts as friends instead of Me? In fact, they are your enemies. How evil is the exchange [to give Paradise and to attain Hell instead by taking the followers of Shaitan as friends] on the part of the Zâlimûn.) [Sûrat-ul-Kahf, 50]
The purport of two ahâdîth reporting that Shaitân was commanded to prostrate himself is as follows:
(When son of Âdam reads the âyah [Qur'anic verse] of sajdah [prostration] and makes sajdah, Shaitan goes away from there crying. Then he says: "Shame on me. Son of Âdam was commanded to make sajdah, and he attained Paradise as he made sajdah. I, too, was commanded to make sajdah, but I became deserving of Hell as I disobeyed it.") [Muslim]
(Beware of conceit. Conceit incited Shaitan not to make sajdah.) [I. 'Asâkir]
Prostration was ordered not for Âdam 'alaihis-salâm, but for Allah. That is, it was ordered that prostration be made for Allah in the direction of Hadrat Âdam. We, too, are making prostration for Allah in the direction of the Kaaba. We do not fall prostrate for the Kaaba itself. The angels and Iblîs were commanded that they fall prostrate for Allah in the direction of Âdam 'alaihis-salâm. Shaitan, however, refused to make prostration by saying that this command was wrong. In other words, what caused his being cursed was not his not falling prostrate but his saying that the command of Allah was wrong.
Those who do not perform namâz, who do not fast cannot be called disbelievers (kâfir), though they are in acts of disobedience to Allah. But if they deem namâz or fast unnecessary, they become disbelievers.
Likewise, Shaitan deemed Allah's command inappropriate and said, "I was created from fire, but he was created from soil. It is wrong for a being created from fire to accept a being created from soil as the direction for prostration." Thus, he declined to prostrate himself and became one of those who are cursed eternally.
From Tafsir ibn kathir
The Story of Adam and Iblis
Allah mentions this story in Surat Al-Baqarah, at the beginning of Surat Al-A`raf, in Surat Al-Hijr, Al-Isra', Al-Kahf and here. Before creating Adam, peace be upon him, Allah told the angels that He was going to create a human being from sounding clay of altered smooth black mud. He told them that when He finished creating and forming him, they were to prostrate to him as a sign of honor and respect, and out of obedience to the command of Allah, may He be exalted. All of the angels obeyed this command except for Iblis, who was not one of them. He was one of the Jinn, and his nature betrayed him at his time of greatest need. He refused to prostrate to Adam, and he disputed with his Lord about him, claiming that he was better than Adam, because he was created from fire while Adam was created from clay, and fire was better than clay, or so he said. He made a mistake by doing this, and he went against the command of Allah, thus committing the sin of disbelief. So Allah exiled him, humiliated him, and cast him out of His mercy and His sacred Presence, and called him "Iblis'' symbolizing that he had Ablasa min Ar-Rahmah (despaired of mercy) -- that there was no hope for him of mercy. He cast him down from the heavens, disgraced and rejected, to the earth. Iblis asked Allah to give him a reprieve until the Day of Resurrection, so the Forbearing One, Who does not hasten to punish those who disobey Him, gave him a reprieve. When he knew that he was safe from destruction until the Day of Resurrection, he rebelled and transgressed.
[فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لأغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَإِلاَّ عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ ]
([Iblis] said: "By Your might, then I will surely mislead them all, except Your true servants amongst them.'') This is like the Ayat:
[أَرَءَيْتَكَ هَـذَا الَّذِى كَرَّمْتَ عَلَىَّ لَئِنْ أَخَّرْتَنِ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَـمَةِ لأَحْتَنِكَنَّ ذُرِّيَّتَهُ إَلاَّ قَلِيلاً]
([Iblis] said: "See this one whom You have honored above me, if You give me respite until the Day of Resurrection, I will surely seize and mislead his offspring all but a few!'') (17:62). These few are the ones who are excepted in another Ayah, which is:
[إِنَّ عِبَادِى لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَـنٌ وَكَفَى بِرَبِّكَ وَكِيلاً ]
(Verily, My servants -- you have no authority over them. And All-Sufficient is your Lord as a Guardian.) (17:65)
[قَالَ فَالْحَقُّ وَالْحَقَّ أَقُولُ ]
[لاّمْلاّنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنكَ وَمِمَّن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ ]
((Allah) said: "The truth is -- and the truth I say that I will fill Hell with you and those of them (mankind) that follow you, together.'') Some of them, including Mujahid, read this as meaning, "I am the Truth and the truth I say.'' According to another report narrated from Mujahid, it means, "The truth is from Me and I speak the truth.'' Others, such as As-Suddi, interpreted it as being an oath sworn by Allah. This Ayah is like the Ayat:
[وَلَـكِنْ حَقَّ الْقَوْلُ مِنْى لاّمْلأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ]
(but the Word from Me took effect, that I will fill Hell with Jinn and mankind together.) (32:13), and
[قَالَ اذْهَبْ فَمَن تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ فَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ جَزَآؤُكُمْ جَزَاءً مَّوفُورًا ]
((Allah) said: "Go, and whosoever of them follows you, surely, Hell will be the recompense of you (all) - an ample recompense.) (17:63).
[قُلْ مَآ أَسْـَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ وَمَآ أَنَآ مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ - إِنْ هُوَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَـلَمِينَ - وَلَتَعْلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ بَعْدَ حِينِ ]
(86. Say: "No wage do I ask of you for this, nor am I one of the Mutakallifin.'') (87. "It is only a Reminder for all the creatures.'') (88. "And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while.'') Allah says: `Say, O Muhammad, to these idolators: I do not ask you to give me any reward from the goods of this world in return for the Message which I convey to you and the sincere advice I offer.'
[وَمَآ أَنَآ مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ]
(nor am I one of the Mutakallifin.) means, `and I do not add anything to that which Allah has told me. Whatever I am commanded to do, I do it, and I do not add anything or take anything away. By doing this I am seeking the Face of Allah and the Hereafter.' Sufyan Ath-Thawri, narrated from Al-A`mash and Mansur from Abu Ad-Duha that Masruq said, "We went to `Abdullah bin Mas`ud, may Allah be pleased with him. He said, `O people! Whoever knows a thing should say it, and whoever does not know should say, `Allah knows best.''' It is part of knowledge, when one does not know, to say "Allah knows best.'' For Allah said to your Prophet :
[قُلْ مَآ أَسْـَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ وَمَآ أَنَآ مِنَ الْمُتَكَلِّفِينَ ]
(Say: "No wage do I ask of you for this, nor am I one of the Mutakallifin.'') This was reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
[إِنْ هُوَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَـلَمِينَ ]
(It is only a Reminder for all the creatures.) means, the Qur'an is a reminder for all those who are held accountable, men and Jinn. This was the view of Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him. This Ayah is like the Ayat:
[لاٌّنذِرَكُمْ بِهِ وَمَن بَلَغَ]
(that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach) (6:19), and
[وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِهِ مِنَ الاٌّحْزَابِ فَالنَّارُ مَوْعِدُهُ]
(but those of the sects that reject it, the Fire will be their promised meeting place) (11:17).
[وَلَتَعْلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ]
(And you shall certainly know the truth of it) means, `you will see confirmation that what he says is true.'
[بَعْدَ حِينِ]
(after a while.) means, soon. Qatadah said, "After death. `Ikrimah said, "It means, on the Day of Resurrection.'' There is no contradiction between the two views, because whoever dies comes under the rulings of the Day of Resurrection. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surah Sad. All praise and gratitude is due to Allah, and Allah may He be glorified and exalted, knows best
The spirit Iblis is a Jinn, which are “mischievous” spirits of earth who reside in a universe parallel to the human world while maintaining the ability to interact in both realms . The Jinn are mortal and powerful spirits whose purpose is to tempt and possess (majnun) humans by creating illusions (ghurur) that familiarize mankind with “the eternal fire” of hell . The Jinn in their natural state are too horrific for mankind to see, they are highly intelligent, they can assume almost any form, and they can do almost anything . There are many different kinds of Jinn: there are those which take on the appearance of the snake; those which fly – the winged Jinn; Jinn that are giants; insect-like Jinn; Jinn that inhabit dead bodies (zombies); and, Jinn that take on human form and, in-so-doing, have the capability of converting to Islam . The Jinn live far longer than humans and the only way they can be detected is through their evil actions – deeds too atrocious for un-possessed humans to enact.
The Jinn are ruled by the one true God who created them more than 25,000 years ago . The Jinn were created from the “searing desert wind” – called Simoon – and are subject to the same universal laws of Islam that mankind must adhere to; the Jinn are also sent prophets bearing God’s message . However, 25,000 years ago the Jinn began to disobey God because they believed themselves to be self-righteous. For that reason, God sent his Angels to destroy them .
It was during this battle that Iblis was recognized from amongst the Jinn by God as “a worthy pupil.” Iblis was brought to heaven by God where he was instructed by the Angels, and, in turn, as he matured Iblis began preaching to the Angels. But, when God created Adam, Iblis refused to pay homage; and, therefore, God condemned Iblis to hell; however, God also granted Iblis “a stay of execution” until the final day of judgement.
At this time the Jinn regrouped on an island in the “Southern Ocean” and formed their own ‘nation’. Iblis left Heaven and rejoined them as their “king;” he had a second name: Azazil. Iblis's final day of reckoning will come, but until that day comes he reigns as king of the Satans ("shaytans”) who tempt mankind on earth [13].Although he is evil, Iblis is not the Lord of Evil; and, although fallen from Heaven, he is not a fallen Angel. Rather, Iblis is a "Satan" . <<<<< watch this
The above is the root meaning of the word Jinn. The existence of the Jinn is firmly established by the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah and the consensus of the Scholars (Ijma’) It suffices to say that the word Jinn and its derivatives occur more than 29 times in the Qur’an. A related word "shaytan" and its plural "shaytana" together occur more than 80 times. In fact, there is an entire Surah called Surah Al-Jinn, which speaks in clear explicit terms about the Jinn.
The reality, which we have to affirm, is that the Jinn live in an established world unseen to us. They eat and drink, and procreate. Similar to Humans, some are righteous while others are not.
The Jinn were created before the creation of mankind. Their origin is from fire. The Qur’an verified these facts in Surah Al-Hijr:
"And verily, We created mankind from sounding clay of altered smooth mud and the jinn We created from smokeless fire."
(Qur’an 15:26-27)
"There is none who can overcome you today"
(Qur’an 8:48)
Then Allah sent the Angel Jibreel against him and when Iblis saw him, he cried out to the disbelievers: "I have nothing to do with you ! I see that which you do not see! I fear Allah, and Allah is severe in retribution," and then he fled.
There are 3 types of Jinn as described in the following authentic Hadith:
The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said:
"There are 3 types of Jinn; One type flies through the air, another type consists of snakes and dogs. A third is based in one place but travels about."
Tabarani and Buhaqi
Jinni:Is a term used by the Arabs to refer to one Jinn.
The 3 types of Jinn are as follows:
3 Ifrit: Used for a Jinni who is stronger and more powerful than a Shaytan.
The way of life for the Jinn is just like Human Beings. For Example: they are accountable for their actions, just as Human Beings are.
Allah says in the Qur’an:
"I created Jinn and Mankind only in order that they might worship Me."
(Qur’an 51:56)
There are believers amongst them, who will be rewarded, and disbelievers, who will be punished, as they admit in the following verse from the Qur’an:
"And indeed there are amongst us, Muslims and amongst us, wrongdoers. As for those who accept Islam, they have sought out the right path. And, as for the wrongdoers, they will be firewood for Jahannam."
(Qur’an 72:14-15)
Whenever Allah sent a Prophet to mankind, the Jinn of that time could also receive his message. Thus, some Jinn came to Prophet Muhammad (saws) one night and he recited Qur’an to them, and taught them about Islam.
They eat and drink, and have Fiqh regulations similar to ours. Just as we eat meat of animals slaughtered in the name of Allah, so do the believers among the Jinn . In addition, the Jinn are allowed to eat the bones of such animals.
With regard to this, the Prophet (saws) has instructed us not to use animal bones for istinja (i.e. to clean the private parts after relieving one’s self).
The Jinn also have conjugal relations; as evident from this verse:
"Therein (in heaven) are (women) of modest gaze, whom neither human being nor Jinn have touched before."
(Qur’an 55:56)
Another verse establishes that they beget children:
"Will you then take (Iblis) and his offspring as protectors in preference to Me, although they are an enemy to you?"
(Qur’an 18:50)
The Jinn, as any other living creature, will also die. This is mentioned in the Qur’an:
"Allah will say, ‘Enter you in the company of nations who passed away before you, of men and Jinn, into the Fire."
(Qur’an 7:38)
Iblis, however, has been given respite up to the Day of Resurrection.
"Allah said, you are, then, among those given respite up to the day of the time known (and appointed)."
(Qur’an 38:81-82)
Iblis is the Jinn who disobeyed Allah’s command to prostrate to Adam (as), and was consequently expelled from Heaven. Allah had promised him eternal Hell, but he had asked Allah to give him time before going to Hell to win over Adam’s descendants as their followers. Allah had granted him time, and Iblis has worked towards the destruction of mankind ever since. Shaytan is the term used to refer to Iblis and other disbelieving Jinn.
Iblis has his throne in the sea, and he sends out his dispatchments of shaytan to aggravate people. The dearest of them to him is the one who causes the most fitna (tribulation).
One of his workers comes and tells him "I did not leave (my victim) until I brought about separation between him and his wife." Iblis draws him near and says to him, "Yes, You (are the best)."
Because of this evil nature of the shaytan, the term "shayatan" is also used for those disbelieving human beings that are active in corrupting and fighting righteousness. Allah has said:
Thus, have We made, for every Prophet, an enemy, the shaytan of mankind and Jinn, inspiring one another with, adorned speech by way of deception."
(Qur’an 6:112)
One of the shaytan’s endeavors in their attempt towards human destruction is to go up to the heaven’s and eavesdrop any news to carry on to earth. This news will be passed on to the fortune-tellers.
A’isha (ra) said that she asked the Prophet (saws) about how it is that the fortune-tellers sometimes foretell something which turns out to be true. He replied, that’s the word of truth that the Jinn manages to catch, and so he comes and whispers in the ear of the fortune-teller, and to one truth he adds one hundred lies.
(Bukhari and Muslim)
Man is always accompanied by a Jinn, who tries to incite him to evil, but the Prophet (saws) was protected from this harm.
On the authority of Ibn Mus’ud the Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
"There is not any one of you except that he has been assigned his companion from among the Jinn and his companion from among the Angels." They the Companions said, "Even you, O Messenger of Allah," He replied "Even me, except that Allah has helped me against the Jinn, so that I am unharmed, and so he orders me to do nothing but good."
Thus terrible thoughts may sometimes occur to us, but we are not responsible for these prompting’s provided, we neither allow them to take root within us, nor act upon them. The fact that we recognise them as evil is itself a sign of faith. It is possible for Jinn to enter human beings and possess them as Allah says:
"Those who consume interest (riba) do not arise except as the one whom Satan has driven to madness by his touch."
(Qur’an 2:275)
Seek protection from the Jinn. In an Authentic hadith related by Bukhari and Muslim, The Prophet (saws) has instructed us to recite some supplications to protect ourselves from the harm of Satan. These include:
In the name of Allah. O Allah! Spare us from Satan and repel Satan from what you provide us with.
Then, if a child is conceived, Satan will never harm
2. The shaytan like to frequent filthy areas such as toilets. Thus we should ensure that we recite the sunnah supplication (narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim) before
entering the toilet:
"Allahumma inni a’uthu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba’ith."
O Allah! I seek refuge with you from male and female devils.
3. Reciting Ayat al Kursi (the verse of the throne in Surat Al Baqarah, 2:255) at bedtime ensures that no devil comes close to you until the morning.
Related by Bukhari
4. Saying:
"La ilaha illallahu wah-dahu la sharika lahu; lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa-hawa’ala kulli shay’in qadir."
There is no God but Allah, alone, without any partner, His kingdom, and His
is the praise, and He has power over all things.
100 times in the morning provides protection till the
Bukhari & Muslim
In General, frequent remembrance of Allah and obedience to Him provide immunity from the Shaytan.
Allah Says:
"Whoever withdraws himself from the remembrance of (Allah) most gracious, We assign to him a Shaytan to be his comrade."
(Qur’an 43:36)
In another verse Allah says:
"Satan has no authority over those who believe and place trust in their Lord."
(Qur’an 16:99)
Amongst the things that will keep the believer far away from falling into the snares of Shaytan is to refrain from excess in glances, words, food and socialising with people. By these four doors Shaytan gains power over the son of Adam and obtains what he wants from him.
As for looking, the Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
"Do not follow a glance with a glance. You are allowed the first but not the second."
Narrated in the Musnad (Hadith Book) of Ahmad B. Hanbal (Sahih)
As for excess words, the Prophet (saws) said:
"Part of the excellence of a Man’s Islam is that he leaves what does not concern him."
As for excess food, the Prophet (saws) said:
"A man does not fill a worse vessel than his belly."
Luqman the sage used to say to his son, "My son, when the intestines are full, reflection goes to sleep, wisdom falls silent, and the limbs cease to worship."
As for excessive socializing, it is a chronic disease, which attracts evil. How frequently are socializing and company empty of blessings! How often do the sow enmity! How often they plant rancor in the heart and as long as it remains in the heart it erodes firm mountains of good action! Excessive socializing contains loss for this world and the next world. The slave must only indulge in that amount of socializing which in necessary.
One of the greatest fortresses, which protect the believer against Shaytan, is Knowledge.
The Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
"One Faqih (Someone learned in Religious matters) is stronger against Shaytan than a thousand worshippers."
The importance of knowledge for the believer in opposing Shaytan is well illustrated by the following story related by Ibn Abbass:
The Shaytan says to Iblis, "Master we delight in the death of a man of knowledge more than we rejoice in that of a man of worship. We are harmed by the man with knowledge, but not harmed by the man of worship."
Iblis says, "Come on, lets go." So off they go to a man of worship and they come to him while he is worshipping and tell him they want to ask him a question. Iblis says, "Can your lord put this world inside an egg?"
"The worshipper replies, "I don’t know." Iblis says to the Shaytans, "Don’t you see there is disbelief in his answer?"
They then go to a man of knowledge in his circle joking with his companions and say, "We want to ask you a question."
He says, "Ask" so Iblis says to him, "Can your Lord put this world inside an egg?"
He replies, "Yes."
Iblis asks, "How?"
The man of knowledge says,
"His command when He desires a thing that He says to it ‘Be’ and it is." (Qur’an 36:82)
Iblis says to the Shaytans "Don’t you see that, the man (the worshipper) does not have any effect beyond himself, while this man (the man of knowledge) estranges much of the world from me?"
It is well known that Shaytan is with those who oppose the community. For that reason, the Muslim must keep to the Muslim community because that will keep him far from the errors and snares of Shaytan.
The Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
"Whoever of you desires the heart of the Garden should cling to the community. Shaytan is with the solitary person and further off from the couple."
Timidhi and Ahmad
The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said:
"The hand of Allah is over the community. Shaytan is with the one who opposes the community.
The jinns in scientific point of view
This article came about as a result of a discussion concerning the nature of the JINN, and their apparent activity in the UFO and psychic fields.
The assumption that underlines the following viewpoint is that the Jinns are beings which dwell on a parallel level to man, but due to their existing at a different vibratory rate, they are not normally visible to us or detectable by us.
In spite of this invisibility, when UFO events or psychic events occur, there are often changes in an energy that we can measure - and this is the electro-magnetic spectrum.
This article, then, is an attempt to bring together (1): observed effects associated with UFOs and with psychic events; (2) traditional "occult" wisdom; and (3) contemporary scientific knowledge.
Our starting point is with the traditions of Islam, and, in particular, the Qur'an, which contains some quantity of information of a metaphysical nature, a proportion of which deals with the Jinn. This material is summarized in Gordon Creighton's article, "A Brief Account of the True Nature of the UFO Entities", published originally in FSR 29/1 (October 1983) and reprinted in FSR 33/3 (September 1988).
The Jinn and the Infra-red
In that article, the Jinn are described as having "bodies of essential flame",1 or "smokeless flame",2 or "smokeless fire".
In the same article by the Editor, ANGELS are described ( according to the Qur'an) as having bodies of light.3 Since they are generally invisible to us, and also for reasons which I will put forward later, I would suggest that the Angels' bodies are of an invisible energy from the opposite end of the spectrum, i.e. - the ultra-violet.
Before I get too involved with technical discussions, I would just like to point out that there is another well known Islamic book that also deals extensively with our unseen neighbours. In fact one might call it a manual of mankind's interaction with the Jinn! And this is "THE ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS",4 or "ARABIAN NIGHTS".
Why did UFOs Appear En Masse in 1947?
One of the questions that often crop up in the UFO field is: "Why did UFOs start to appear in great numbers, around and after 1947?"
Although plenty of UFOs were undoubtedly seen long before the year 1947, it does seem that something may have provoked their increased activity, and increased appearances, at that time.
Well now - an interesting answer to our question has been provided by the New Zealander Trevor James Constable in his second book, "The Cosmic Pulse of Life", in which he states that UFOs began to appear in numbers around the time when man started to use Radar. Or - to put it another way - the UFOs began to appear around the time when man started to fill the Earth's atmosphere with microwave radiation.5
Since the use of Radar became commonplace throughout the world shortly after World War II, the dates certainly coincide, and, if we look at the nature of Radar - bearing in mind that the Jinn may possess bodies of infra-red - then we can certainly see a good reason for their becoming concerned!
Microwave radiation is just below infra-red in the electro-magnetic spectrum (i.e. - just above Radio waves) - therefore our projection of microwaves into the Earth's atmosphere may well disrupt, or disturb, the bodies of the Jinn and the medium in which they live and dwell.
How the Jinn Materialize
In the Islamic texts it is stated that the Jinn are able to materialize or disappear at will. This would imply one of three things:- (!) They have control over the matter that we consider to be "everyday reality"; (2) They have control over certain aspects of our own psyche, and can create in us the subjective experience of matter; (3) They can create illusions of an external and very realistic nature in the same way that we create holograms. It is possible that this last suggestion includes the first.
The reason for this is as follows:-
A Blueprint for all Matter?
Various researchers on the cutting edge of nuclear physics (i.e. Paul Davies) and also in the border-line medical field (i.e. Harry Oldfield)6 have speculated that there exists a kind of blueprint for physical beings and physical materials - this may be an electro-magnetic lattice or hologram which tells each atom r molecule what to do and where to go.
The reason for this kind of speculation is that our present knowledge of natural control systems is unable to explain the degree of specialization that many atoms/molecules/cells exhibit.
The Mysterious "Crashed Discs"
Suppose, then, that the Jinn were able to construct and to destroy electronic blueprints, and suppose, further, that, once set up, a blueprint will attract to it, from our environment, the necessary minerals, gases, etc., in order to make up the corresponding physical form. When the blueprint is removed or destroyed, the physical form will disintegrate or "return to dust".
This may provide an explanation for the physical reality of the crashed discs, whilst still allowing that they are actually of etheric origin.
Jinn may function on Two Levels?
In ascribing intelligent behaviour to the Jinn, it must be accepted that they have at least two levels of functioning - i.e. (1) the body of electromagnetic energy, and (2) a psyche of some finer energy. This might be called "etheric", or possibly "astral", in the Western Occult Tradition.) The reason why I am unsure about this terminology is that it may well be the case that the term "etheric", as used, is a traditional, empirical description of the electromagnetic environment which surrounds us. Therefore the psychology of the Jinn would have to be on what we call the "Astral Level".
Here I think it necessary to clear up a misunderstanding which often occurs with regard to the term "Ether" or "Etheric".
The Etheric Level
In the Western Occult Tradition, the "Etheric" is described as the innermost of a series of "bands" around the Earth, penetrating deep into the Planet, and reaching to a certain height in the Atmosphere. Higher above that in the Atmosphere is the "Astral";7above that is the "Mental"8 - and so on, depending on which terminology you prefer to use.
At some point one of the unseen levels must be so expansive that it is - in fact - interplanetary. (This would perhaps be the "Spiritual" or "Casual" Level.)
Another use of the word "Ether", which conflicts with the occult method of usage, is to employ it in order to describe the interplanetary medium.9 This application of it was used, up until the late 19th century, by astronomers and philosophers, but, as I have explained above, the "interplanetary medium" would in occult terminology probably be called the "Casual" or "Spiritual" Level.
Trevor Constable's "They Live in the Sky"
Therefore problems can occur, as, for example, in Trevor J. Constable's10 first book, "They Live in the Sky",11 where the (apparently beneficent) contacting entities describe themselves as being "from the interplanetary Etheric". Later in the same book, they are responsible for protecting Mr Constable from attack by a lower order of unseen entities which I would call "Etheric", using the occult terminology to refer to the unseen "band" closest to the Earth.
Be it noted, therefore, that any reference in the present article holds to the usage of the term as employed in the Western Occult Tradition.
Having thus set out the basis of this idea concerning the nature of the Jinn, I would now like to bring in some corroborating examples from the field of Psychical Research.
Changes of Temperature and Psychic Phenomena
In the typical "Ghost experience", a change in temperature is often felt around, or preceding, the appearance of the apparition.
Since, to my knowledge, our experience of heat is directly related to the amount of Infra-red present, then if an apparition were created by concentrating or converting localised electro-magnetic energy, one would expect there to be a drop in Infra-red (and probably other frequencies) around the phantom, - hence a drop in temperature?
Matthew Manning
Matthew Manning12 the British psychic, describes in his book "The Link"13 how, when he was sleeping in his boarding school dormitory, "poltergeist" activities would occur. On one such occasion a large red circle appeared on the wall, and it became very hot. This - it turned out - was a way of attracting his attention, used by the earth-bound spirit of a girl who had died some fifty years before in tragic circumstances.
The obvious inference is that the red circle that became hot (so hot in fact, that the people were afraid of a fire starting) was a concentration of Infra-red.
"Psychic Photographs"
There have been in the past many psychic and paranormal photographs. Many admittedly were probably fakes. However, a proportion remain which have been authenticated. In his book "Beyond the Spectrum",14 Cyril Permutt surveys many of these photos and he describes the techniques required for securing paranormal psychic photography of this kind. He found that the best results could be secured with Infra-red, and this again would seem to bear out a theory which I will put forward in the following paragraphs.
The Earth's atmosphere
Pursuing the idea of there being various different Planes in the unseen world, which surround the Earth, and pursuing also the thought that they might be connected with electromagnetic energy., I began an investigation of the Earth's Atmosphere and it's practical structure.
Putting it in a simplified form, it seems that High Energy Radiation (Cosmic Rays, etc.), from the Sun, penetrate right through the Earth's atmosphere and are absorbed by the Earth, to be re-emitted as Infra-red, Radiation, producing most of the warmth that we experience. The Infra-red is kept in the lower part of the Atmosphere by clouds and by the Ionosphere (Ozone Layer) from which it is reflected.
"Infra-red" denizens could dwell inside Earth!
Lower-frequency Infra-red penetrates deep into the Earth. Consequently, if a being had a body of low-frequency Infra-red, it could live deep down inside the Earth, interpenetrating what we consider to be solid materiality.
The Ionosphere has - as is presently well publicised - another function: this is the reflection of Ultra-Violet coming from the Sun and hence reducing the amount of it that reaches us. Therefore it can be said that above the Ozone Layer there is a comparatively high level of Ultra-Violet and a low level of Infra-red, whilst below the Ozone Layer there is a much higher amount of Infra-red, but comparatively little Ultra-Violet.
The Angels dwell in Ultra-Violet
If we take the Islamic description of ANGELS15 as having bodies of Light, and if we ascribe this to the lighter or finer end of the spectrum (i.e. the Ultra-Violet), then we have an explanation for the age-old tradition that Angels live "in the clouds", i.e., above the Ozone Layer, where Ultra-Violet prevails.
Lower-level creature inhabit Infra-red
This is why, I suspect, Cyril Permutt, author of "Beyond the Spectrum", had greater success with his Infra-red photography, since we humans dwell in the Etheric, where Infra-red predominates. It must be comparatively rarely that the "FORCES OF LIGHT" come down and help us on our way. Conversely, of course, most "ghost experiences" occur in darkness or in dark places, from where the "Forces of Light" (Ultra-Violet) have receded.
From the "occult" point of view, as given in the Western as well as the Eastern Traditions, it may very well be that the upper limit of the so-called "Etheric Plane" is the Ozone Layer (Ionosphere), and that above and beyond this lies the "Astral".
The tradition that unseen beings originate from different areas within the Etheric (i.e. Dense Etheric) may be explained by variations in frequency of Infra-red: i.e. Dense Etheric around 1012 Hz., and Finer Etheric nearer 1014 Hz., which would seem to imply that there should be a corresponding frequency gradient through the lower part of the Atmosphere, the frequency rising with the height above the Earth's surface. (Whether this is a fact or not remains to be seen.)
At this point I would like to make it clear that, whilst it is possible that electro-magnetic energy is the medium of the Etheric, it is equally possible that electromagnetism interacts with a finer energy which is the true Etheric medium, but that it interacts in such a way as to be like a stain or indicator, showing the form of the unseen Etheric/Psychic energy.
Baron von Reichenbach
The German scientist Baron von Reichenbach16 wrote, in the last century, about what he called "the Odic Force", visible to sensitives, and emanating from each end of a natural crystal, one end being OD POSITIVE (red and warm), and the other end producing OD NEGATIVE (light blue and cool). Could these be the Infra-red and Ultra-Violet respectively?
Trevor J. Constable17 suggests that if one looks through a red filter at ordinary daylight for some time and then looks at a living thing without the filter, the aura of that thing becomes visible for a short while. This information probably originates with the British Dr W.J. Kilner,18 who worked during the early part of this century on the human aura, employing magenta filters. Now, if the eye accommodates in the same way as our other senses do, then, after looking for some time through the red filter, it may begin to recalibrate the visual range, taking red as it were the usual light blue (of the sky in daylight). Hence, when the filter is removed, the usual range may, for a short while, extend down into the Infra-red.
Clairvoyant faculties
This latter idea brings up an interesting explanation for psychics like the Anthropologist Dr Rudolf Steiner,19 who are able to see into the Spiritual Realm. Suppose that for reasons of exceptional physiology (or possibly only of mental programming) they are able to perceive a greater range of frequencies than is normal, and can therefore see into the Infra-red and the Ultra-Violet realms?
Man's pollution of both the material level
and the finer levels?
Ever since the Industrial Revolution, spurred on by 19th century Rationalism, we have been poisoning and disturbing life for other types of physical beings on this Planet. Perhaps with the harnessing and mass employment of electromagnetism, we have now started on yet a further stage, i.e., the poisoning and disturbing for a whole variety of beings dwelling on the subtler levels of this Planet?
If so, is it any surprise that many of them should be hostile towards us?
I see no reason to consider the lower unseen kingdom - i.e., the Lower Etheric - to be in any way different from the Animal Kingdom in which we ourselves live. Some of the animals here like us humans. Some of them hate us. And some are simply benign and objective.